Ctrl + a 将光标定位到命令行开头位置
Ctrl + e 将光标定位到命令行末尾
Ctrl + k 从光标位置到末尾的字符删除
Ctrl + u 从光标位置到开头字符删除
Ctrl + w 从光标位置往前删除一个单词
Ctrl + y 粘贴(上面命令删除的单词)到光标后面
Ctrl + xx move between start of command line and current cursor position(and back again)
Alt + b move backward one word(or go to start of word the cursor is currently on)
Alt + f move forward one word(or go to end of word the cursor is currently on)
Alt + d delete to end of word starting at cursor(whole word if cursor is at the beginning of word)
Alt + u make uppercase from cursor to end of word
Alt + l make lowercase from cursor to end of word
Alt + t swap current word with previous
Ctrl + f move forward one character
Ctrl + b move backward one character
Ctrl + d delete character under the cursor
Ctrl + h delete character before the cursor
Ctrl + t swap character under cursor with the previous one
Command Control Shortcuts
Ctrl + l clear the screen
Ctrl + s stops the output to the screen(for long running verbose command)
Ctrl + q allow output to the screen(if previously stoped using command above)
Ctrl + c terminate the command
Ctrl + z suspend/stop the command
Command Recall Shortcuts
Ctrl + r search the history backwards
Ctrl + g escape from history searching mode
Ctrl + p previous command in history
Ctrl + n next command in history